Partial List


34+ keynote addresses, invited public lectures, plenary talks and colloquia presentations for national and international audiences.  30+ conference papers and professional association presentations.


  • 2017 Making and Unmaking the Mexican Diabetic:  Out of the lab, into the streets, and home again. Keynote Address, The Ohio State University Project Narrative and Disability Studies Program for The Medicine, Narrative, Disability, & Rhetoric ColLABoratory inaugural symposium, Columbus, Ohio, January 27.


  • 2017 Relational Politics and Medical Education, Invited Presentation for The Structural Competency Case Book: Treating the Inequalities that Make Us Sick Case Report Workshop, New York University School of Medicine, January 13.


  • 2016  From Laboratory to Streets: Making and Unmaking Disease, Invited Lecture, UCLA, Center for Genetics and Society, Los Angeles, December 9.


  • 2016 The politics of knowing and being otherwise: Feminist inspirations for materiality, sociality anD relationality, American Anthropological Association, Minneapolis, November 15.


  • 2016 Beyond Stereotypes: The Limits of Cultural Competence, Invited Lectures for, Departments of History and Global Studies, Idaho State University, Pocatella, November 4.


  • 2016 Relationality, Keyword Panel, ColLABoratory on Ethnography and Design, UCSD, San Diego, October 27.


  • 2016 Invited Commentary, Para-Communicable, Amy Moran – Thomas, Department of Anthropology, MIT, Boston, October 19.


  • 2016 Equity, Knowledge and Health: Community Engagement and the Art of Relational Politics. Public Lecture, Medical Humanities Program, University of California – Irvine, April 20.


  • 2016 Healthy Dissent: Urban Ecologies and the Art of Relational Politics. Race and Racism in Contemporary Biomedicine Lecture Series, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.


  • 2015 Montoya, Michael. “The Art of Relational Politics: Moral Experiments for a Healthy City.” American Anthropological Association, November 2015, Denver, CO.


  • 2015 McGuire, Connie, Kathryn Cox, and Michael Montoya. November 2015. "Encountering Philanthropists in the NGO Landscape: A Workshop for Ethnographer-Practitioners." NGOgraphies: NGOs and Nonprofits Conference of the American Anthropological Association, Denver, CO.


  • 2015 Experiments in Ontological Politics: Relationality, Epistemology, and Social Transformation. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Sept. 16.


  • 2015 Community Making and Health, Plenary Speaker for Texas Valley AIDS Council Annual Conference, South Padre Island Texas, May 28.


  • 2015 Ecologies of Dissent: Neighborhood Health and the Art of Relational Politics, Center for the Study of Inequality & Department of Anthropology Colloquia, UC-Berkeley, April 1.


  • 2015 Experimentos en Epistemologia Inclusiva: Ciudades saludables. Visiting Scholar Lecture, Posgrado en Filosofía de la Ciencia de la Universidad Nacional Autonomia de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, February 17.


  • 2014 Healthy Dissent: Urban Ecologies and the Art of Metabolic Politics, Metabolizing Environment: Anthropology of Metabolism Between Molecular ad Eco-Political Scales Panel American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA, December 4.


  • 2014 Topologies of Race Panel Discussant, American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA, December 6.


  • 2014 Healthy Dissent: Urban Ecologies and Metabolic Politics, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Netherlands, Sept. 15.


  • 2014 Making the Mexican Diabetic, Book of the Year Award Lecture, British Sociological Association, Medical Sociology Association, Birmingham, UK, September 12.


  • 2014 Teaching Relationally: The power of respect. Loyola Marymount, March 10, Los Angeles, CA.


  • 2014 Unmaking the Mexican Diabetic, Colloquia Speaker, University of Washington, May 18.


  • 2014 Inclusive Epistemologies: Lay Expertise, epigenetic sentinels, and making (epi)biosociocultural markers, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, January 13.


  • 2013 Lowerson Bredow, Victoria and Montoya, Michael. "Infecting analysis in action: Navigating participatory collusion in cross-sector collaboration" American University Public Anthropology Conference, Washington, DC, October 2.


  • 2013 Epigenetic Sentinels, Lay Expertise and the Making of Epibiosociocultural Markers, Mellon Sawyer Seminar, New York University, NY, NY, October 29.


  • 2013 Inclusive Epistemologies: Lay expertise, epigenetic sentinels, and epibiosociocultural markers, Society for the Social Studies of Science, San Diego, CA, October 11.


  • 2013 Biological Citizenship, Panel Moderator, Science and its Publics: Exploring Emergent Forms of Public Engagement, Newkirk Center for Science and Society, Irvine, CA, October, 8.


  • 2013 Paraethnographic Practice: Making the World under Conditions of our Unchoosing, American University, Washington, DC, October 5.


  • 2013 Best Practices for Clinical Care and Medical Education in the 21st Century, Invited Panelist, Addressing Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities Conference, UT-Austin, Dell Medical School, September 23.


  • 2013 Transformation or Transaction: Data Points and Community Partnerships in Translational Research.  Beyond the Genome, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, January 16-18.


  • 2012 Dis/Counting Evidence: The Politics of Exclusion in Global Health, Invited Session, Discussant, American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, November 18.


  • 2012 Genes at the Border of Identity, Invited Roundtable Presenter, American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, November 15.


  • 2012 Invited Lecture, UIC Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy, University of Illinois, Chicago, October 29.


  • 2012 Ethnographic Dialogue: Expanding the Epistemological Aperture, Invited Lecture, Headlands UC Wide Science and Technology Studies Workshop, Marin, CA, June 22.


  • 2012 Making and Unmaking the Mexican Diabetic.  Invited Lecture, Stanford University. May 2012.


  • 2012 Medicine on the Edge, Social Studies of Medicine -Panelist, UCSC, Santa Cruz, CA, May 5.


  • 2012 From Genes to Community: Knowledge Making in the Post Genomic Era, Invited Lecture, UCSC, Santa Cruz, CA April 30.


  • 2012 Race, Science, and the Genetics of Inequality.  How Scientists Think Series, Invited Lecture, Brown University, Science and Technology Studies Program, Providence, RI, April 19.


  • 2012 Race and the Making of the Mexican Diabetic on the US/Mexico Border and Beyond.  Honored Guest Speaker, Fronteras Y Puentes: Understanding & Transforming Borders through Social Science Research.  University of Texas, Pan-American, McAllen, TX, April 13.


  • 2012 Community Knowledge: From problems to solutions.  TEDxUCIrvine, March 3, UC-Irvine.


  • 2012 UnMaking the Mexican Diabetic: Community Knowledge Encounters Racialized Science.  February 21, Department of Anthropology, American University, Washington DC.


  • 2012 Medicine on the Edge, Panelist, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, January 5.


  • 2011 UnMaking the Mexican Diabetic: Race, Science, and the Promise of Community Knowledge.  Monday Colloq. Series, November 28, Dept of Anthropology, UC-Berkeley.


  • 2011 Epigenomes and Inequities: Community Knowledge for a Post-Genomic World, Invited panel presentation, Beyond the Body Proper: Biopolitics and Biocontingencies, American Anthropological Association meetings, Montreal, Canada, November.


  • 2011 Discussant for panel, Conceptualizing Power/Knowledge in Medical Anthropology: The Meeting of Science and Technology Studies and the Political Economy of Health, American Anthropological Association meetings, Montreal, Canada, November.


  • 2011 From Data Points to Drivers: Community, Knowledge and Translational Science, Invited workshop participant, Knowledge/Value: Experimental Biologies and Translational Research, University of Chicago, November.


  • 2011 Speculative Futures: Potentiality and Community Knowledge for Post Genomic Medical Science, Invited paper for The Anthropology of Potentiality: Exploring the Productivity of the Undefined and Its Interplay with Notions of Humanness in New Medical Practices, Wenner Gren Symposium, Teresopolis, Brazil, October 28 - November 4.


  • 2011 Asking the Right Questions: Community Knowledge in a Post Genomic World, Invited presentation for Mapping “Race” & Inequality: Best Practices for Theorizing & Operationalizing “Race” in Health Policy Research.  NIH Sponsored Workshop, University of New Mexico School of Law, Albuquerque, NM, April 26-28.


  • 2011 Making the Mexican Diabetic: Race, Science, and the Genetics of Inequality.  Invited lecture, Berkeley School of Public Health, March 7.


  • 2011 How Understanding Genomic Racialization Can Improve Disease Research.  Invited paper for International Workshop on Global Populations at the Interface of Humanities and Genomics, Kyoto, Japan, January 18-19.


  • 2010 Montoya, M.  Speculative Futures, Dystopic Myopathy, and Making Healthy Community. Invited Panel Presentation.  American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, LA.


  • 2010 Kent, E. E., Sender, L. S., Morris, R. A., Grigsby, T. J., Montoya, M. J., Ziogas, A., & Anton-Culver, H. (2010). Socioeconomic impacts on quality of life in young adults with leukemia and lymphoma. Poster for the Young Adult Alliance meeting (Austin, TX, November 3-5).


  • 2010 Biosocialidades emergentes: mistura genetica, diabetes, e etnidade Mexicana.  Invited lecture at Perspectivas Antropologicas sobe Saude Genomica e Identidades na America Latina, Pre-Seminar Associacion Brasileira de Antropologia, Belem, Brazil, July 31- August 3.


  • 2010 Role of women in combating non communicable disease.  Invited lecture at Emerging Burden of Chronic Diseases and Its Impact on Developing Countries.  Sponsored by DANIDA and World Diabetes Foundation.  Copenhagen, Denmark.  April 15-16.



Culture and Economy, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, Cultural Anthropology, Social Studies of Science, Ethnicity and Disease, Canadian Review of Social Anthropology, Ethnicities, Science Technology and Human Values, Royal Danish Development Assistance Organization, Canadian Review of Sociology, American Journal of Public Health, Biosocieties, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Health and Place, Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Stanford University Press, National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, University of California MEXUS.



Equity and Well Being

Community is a Verb